Interview met Angela Fusaro: De carrièrecoach voor mama's (ENG)

Werken en mama zijn. Aan dit onderwerp beginnen sommigen al te denken wanneer ze een gezin willen starten. Maar ook na je verlof kan het spannend zijn om weer aan het werk te gaan. Het vinden van de juiste balans tussen werk en ouderschap en de gevoelens die hierbij spelen zullen er altijd zijn. Gelukkig zijn er experts die je hierbij kunnen ondersteunen.

Voor onze nieuwe blog had DearBaby de eer om Angela Fusaro te interviewen. Angela is oprichtster van Every Mother Knows en carrièrecoach gespecialiseerd voor mama’s en adviseert mama’s en mama’s-to-be over hun carrière. Lees hieronder het interview in het Engels.

What’s your mission with Every Mother Knows?

My mission with Every Mother Knows is to empower mothers at different stages of their careers and professional journeys. I believe every mother deserves a rewarding career and a work-life balance that fits with her family.

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What inspired you to start this beautiful work?

When I returned to work after my first maternity leave, I realised how sensitive transition that one was. Not only for me as a mother but also for my new family as well as for the company/organisation I was working at.

I decided to combine my experience in Human Resources Management (HRM) with my background in Psychology to launch a coaching service that focuses on motherhood and that helps both employee and employer.

Why do moms contact you? What are their concerns?

Mothers contact me to improve their work-life balance, feel more confident in their jobs when returning to work from maternity leave, experience more energy and happiness both at work and in life. They also contact me to make a change in their careers, exploring a new path or direction. Often having a baby gives us a new focus on the career side. It’s an opportunity to review our priorities and re-align to our values, goals and aspiration. Mothers finally contact me to get professional help in returning to work after a longer career break. I help them find clarity about the next steps, rebrand CV/LinkedIn profiles and start applying for jobs.

Why is it also important to have coaching during your maternity leave?

Pregnancy, giving birth and the postpartum period are very important phases in a woman’s life and career. Lots of changes might happen in those weeks or months. Coaching offers a professional setting where to address any of your worries, concerns, desires and develop strategies to feel more empowered during the transition. To give you an example, think about how to best prepare for your hand-over or negotiate flexibility for when returning to work.

How do mothers know when they need coaching in their work-life balance?

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Our body is a great channel to identify any work-life balance issues that need attention. So my advice is to check-in with your body to see how you are doing. Coaching is a great tool to help you develop new skills, habits and see things from a fresher perspective. Through the one-to-one relationship, you stay accountable and committed on your journey. It works well when you like to talk to someone and are open to new insights and discoveries.

What’s your best advice on new moms getting back to work after pregnancy?

Look after yourself. Prioritise sleep and eating over anything else. Ask for help as soon as you feel something is not right. Your own health, happiness and well-being is the best gift you can give to your children.

How can mothers find you and get help from you?

Take a look at my website: Follow Every Mother Knows on Facebook, LinkedIn or simply drop me an email at We can plan a free intake meeting to get to know each other and see how I can support you. I look forward to connecting with you!

About Angela

Angela Fusaro is a career coach with a background in Psychology and previous experience in HR. She is a proud mum of two little Amsterdammers, loves a strong espresso, the seaside and taking a break on a yoga mat.

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